We provide the following services to better serve you:

  Job placement & Application of permit for FDW/ Workers and Professionals

  Documentation for Direct hire

  Placement of transfer FDW

  In-house training Courses & Workshops;

• Infant care (confinement needs)

• Elderly care

• Disabled/Bedridden care

• Cooking

  General Orientation for Employment as a FDW in Singapore (SIP)

  Home Leave Processing

  Renewal of Passports/Permits

  Cancellation of Work Permits

  Booking and Purchasing of Air Tickets

  Purchasing of Insurance and Security Bond

  Repatriation to Airport with Transport Services

  Arrangement of Medical check-up and Follow ups

  Other foreign worker related services

  Lodging services

SriGL also provides other services:

  Cleaning services for Commercial / Industrial / Residential

  Landscape services

  Transportation services